Reisebericht1 Ein Wochenende in Barcelona

Reisebericht: Ein Wochenende in Barcelona

Datum: 15. Juni 2023 – 17. Juni 2023

Tag 1:
Nach einem morgendlichen Flug landeten wir am Flughafen Barcelona-El Prat. Unsere Reise begann mit einem herzlichen Empfang von strahlendem Sonnenschein und milden Temperaturen. Wir checkten in unser Hotel im Herzen von Barcelona ein, nur wenige Gehminuten von der berühmten La Rambla entfernt.

Am Nachmittag erkundeten wir die historische Altstadt Barri Gòtic, wo enge, verwinkelte Gassen mit Boutiquen und Cafés gesäumt waren. Wir genossen Tapas in einer traditionellen Bodega und kosten Sangria. Der Besuch der beeindruckenden Kathedrale Santa Maria del Mar war ein weiteres Highlight des Tages.

Tag 2:
Unser zweiter Tag begann mit einem Besuch des Park Güell, einem Meisterwerk von Antoni Gaudí, das uns mit seiner einzigartigen Architektur und den bunten Mosaiken faszinierte. Anschließend bummelten wir durch das Viertel El Raval und probierten einige lokale Delikatessen in einem Markt.

Am Nachmittag besuchten wir die berühmte Basilika Sagrada Família, die uns mit ihrer atemberaubenden Schönheit sprachlos machte. Abends flanierten wir entlang des Strandes von Barceloneta und genossen frische Meeresfrüchte in einem Strandrestaurant.

Tag 3:
Unser letzter Tag in Barcelona begann mit einem Besuch im Picasso-Museum, wo wir die Werke des berühmten Malers bewunderten. Anschließend machten wir eine Fahrt mit der Seilbahn zum Montjuïc-Hügel und genossen den Panoramablick auf die Stadt.

Bevor wir zum Flughafen zurückkehrten, besuchten wir noch den berühmten Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria, einen lebhaften Markt, der mit frischem Obst, Gemüse und lokalen Spezialitäten gefüllt war. Wir gönnten uns ein letztes Mal Tapas und verabschiedeten uns von dieser wunderbaren Stadt.

Unsere Reise nach Barcelona war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis, voller kultureller Schätze, kulinarischer Entdeckungen und beeindruckender Architektur. Barcelona hat unser Herz erobert, und wir hoffen, bald wiederzukommen.

5 Places to Visit This Winter

New Year and Christmas holidays is a great occasion to travel somewhere. You can either go somewhere with you family or friends, or even alone. Are you planning a winter trip? If so, you might find there are plenty of suggestions for summer hotspots, but good suggestions for the winter months are harder to find. So here are four suggestions for a winter break – and if you’re finding it difficult to choose, we’ve packed them all up into one fantastic round the world holiday too.

Iceland is considered a go-to destination when thinking about a wintry trip – perhaps unfairly because it is equally amazing during the summer time. A winter visit promises longer nights which give you a better (never guaranteed) chance of seeing the spectacular Aurora Borealis – the Northern Lights.

New York is an all-time favourite for wintry city breaks when you’ll find many twinkling Christmas lights, festive windows and pop-up ice rinks combine to instil heart-warming sentiment capable of offsetting the seasonal chill.

Budget Trips for Winter Break

Budget trip doesn’t mean boring! There are numerous places worth visiting even if you don’t have much money. The golden sands of Florida and California beckon you to their pristine shores, and invite you to relax. There are few people in winter, so hotels are more affordable to book than ever. San Diego has a bunch of holiday events going on, including their annual Parade of Lights on the bayfront, and Balboa Park decked out in holiday cheer. Los Angeles has so much to offer the holiday tourist as well!

The wild conditions of this island nation can be unpredictable and like nothing you’ve ever seen before, but they’re usually followed by gorgeous light and a little magic. It’s a country where one minute can be a total blizzardy whiteout and the next rainbows or sparkling aurora. If you are Still looking for some sunshine, take a week or two from your winter holidays to fly down to Mexico! Snorkel and party on the beaches of Cancun or opt for the more easygoing Puerto Vallarta.

New York is an all-time favourite for wintry city breaks when you’ll find many twinkling Christmas lights, festive windows and pop-up ice rinks combine to instil heart-warming sentiment capable of offsetting the seasonal chill.

Walking to Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is mysterious and attractive place for all tourists visiting Peru. If you agree to take this path you need to know more information. Situated high in the Andean hills, Machu Picchu sits atop a ridge overlooking several large valleys. Its iconic status as one of the world’s most interesting places to visit means that millions of tourists enter the ancient citadel every year. The large ruins, perfect masonry and strange architecture has baffled researchers for many years and continues to captivate visitors on mass. The ancient city certainly allows us a glimpse into the lost culture of the Incas, but the site often asks more questions than it answers.

Stretched over 13 km², Machu Picchu is a wealth of interesting sites and one can literally spend hours wandering from marvel to marvel, getting lost in a city of wonders.

In order to help you get the most out of your visit to the citadel, we have put together a list of our favourite things to do in Machu Picchu. You may not get time to see them all, but hopefully you’ll be able to tick off quite a few!